Current Human Growth & Development Sessions

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Words that Build: Language as a Tool or Extending Learning, Solving Conflicts, and Connecting with Children

As educators, the words we choose have great power to shape the learning experiences of children and the relationships we foster with them. Applying best practices from CLASS, speech therapists, and expert educators, we'll learn how to make our programs full of constructive and emotionally nourishing language.

Set Two 3-6 hours CKC: HGD/UGB

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Empowered Play: The Value of Children’s Active Explorations

Are you often saying, "Be careful!"? Children naturally seek opportunities for full-body, active play that is perceived as risky by adults. Explore themes of play including rough and tumble, superhero, and play fighting. Examine why children engage in powerful play and its potential developmental benefits. Develop a plan to support adventurous play in a safe and positive way.

Set Two 1-3 hours CKC: HGD


Health, Safety & Nutrition


Learning Environments & Curriculum